About Hauptwerk

What is Hauptwerk?

Hauptwerk is a software that allows the user to play a pipe organ from the comfort of their own space. To put it simply, it is a modern day sampler that uses the technology of high performance computers to operate. Pipe organs from all over the world have been recorded and sampled by various producers and groups and can be purchased/downloaded to run with Hauptwerk.

The software utilizes MIDI as a way to trigger actions on screen. Pedalboards, manuals, pistons, etc that have MIDI capabilities are commonly used to control the pipe organ samples loaded into Hauptwerk. The combination of software, hardware, computer, and sound system creates a virtual pipe organ (VPO).


Virtual Pipe Organs

Due to only needing software and hardware, VPOs tend to be much cheaper than a regular electronic organ. Depending on the hardware, they can also take up much less space. Since you are using a computer, the improvements and features can be endless. With Hauptwerk you literally have hundreds of organ sample sets available at your fingertips. 


How does Hauptwerk sound?

Take a listen to these uploads by organists all over the world on The Concerthall - The internet's biggest platform for VPO performances. With over 6,000 users and 47,000 uploads, The Contrebombarde Concert Hall is the most known and active online community for sharing and listening to organ pieces.


How Does MIDIWorks Come Into Play? 

We here at MIDIWorks provide quality MIDI Hardware created specifically to work alongside Hauptwerk. Whether you decide to build your own system from scratch, buy an entire system from us, or MIDI-fy an existing organ, we can provide you the correct hardware. Virtual Pipe Organs do have a learning curve in order for you to be able to learn to configure and play it, but our team of knowledgeable staff is there to help you along the way. Our goal is to get you playing as soon as possible, regardless if you are tech-savvy or not.

You can learn more about the general hardware we offer by clicking here. If you would like to view our products in greater detail, we invite you to visit our store.


© Midiworks 2015