Refurbishing Your Organ


What Does It Mean To MIDI-fy An Existing Organ?

Do you have an existing organ that you'd like to run with Hauptwerk? In order to do so you will need to add MIDI to the instrument. MIDI is a protocol that allows electronic instruments to talk to and connect to each other as well as to computers. We offer a variety of hardware that can take all the signals or actions that your organ creates and convert it into MIDI. These MIDI signals are then sent to your compurer via a MIDI cable and trigger actions on the Hauptwerk Software. 


What Do I Need to MIDI-fy my Organ?

We have a few articles that can help you MIDI-fy all or certain components of your organ. Everything that you need can be purchased in our store. We suggest that people have experience with wiring and electronics before attempting to add MIDI.

Here are our tutorials:


Important Notes

Sometimes certain parts of an organ cannot be MIDI-fied due to wiring or its structure. Instead of purchasing a brand new system, you can create a hybrid of your organ and our products. Also, It may or may not be a lot cheaper than buying a whole system. Once again this option is recommended to people who have experience with electronics and wiring.


 If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact us!

© Midiworks 2015